Get Ahead of Your Orthodontic Care With Braces for Kids

Braces For Teens Frisco, TX

Having braces for kids can correct early dental alignment problems. Correcting this orthodontic treatment can give your child a good start in dental and general health. Knowing everything about this treatment can help you and your child prepare for it. Here are the details on getting ahead with braces for kids when it comes to your child’s orthodontic care.

Early orthodontic treatment

Regular dental checks at a young age will allow the dentist to see the development of the child’s mouth. Wearing braces for kids will correct the problem even before the child reaches seven years of age. Early treatment can prevent minor problems from becoming serious ailments later in life. A child who has breathing problems because of jaw misalignment can breathe better after wearing braces. Early orthodontic care allows the dentist to correct the problem while the child’s jaw and face are still developing. Here are some reasons for getting an early orthodontic treatment:

  • To correct a bad bite, which can cause dental injury, gum disease, and tooth decay
  • To prevent early dental wear and speech issues
  • To speed up the treatment period
  • To improve the balance of facial features
  • To decrease the trauma to extruding front teeth
  • To reduce the risk of jaw surgery or tooth extraction

Children must understand why braces for kids are necessary

A child may hear about or see braces in other kids before going through the treatment. Many of them may also hear about the negativities of wearing braces for kids. The child must go through changes in food choices and eating habits. Dealing with mouth pain is also part of the process. These oral appliances may also affect how the child looks.

Parents must help children understand the critical value of orthodontic treatment. It can fix bite problems and close dental gaps, as well as brighten teeth. The young patient must understand that going through the treatment will have lasting results. Working with the dentist can even speed up the process.

Taking care of braces

The proper care and maintenance of braces for kids prevents untimely replacements and emergency repairs. It can help prevent unnecessary costs as well. Good oral hygiene is a valuable part of orthodontic care. The dentist will explain the treatment during the consultation. This is the time to ask any relevant questions that can clear up any doubts about the braces. Preparing the child early for teeth straightening can make the transition easier.

Proper oral hygiene is important to prevent tooth decay and enamel erosion. Brushing and flossing after each snack or meal is ideal. This can remove bacteria and food particles. Specific teeth cleaning tools, such as interdental toothbrushes, can help with teeth cleaning. Antibacterial mouthwash can rinse away food particles and bacteria.

Parents must get the right dental care materials before their child gets braces for kids. Having these materials in advance can help teach the child about proper oral care while wearing the metal brackets and wires. Travel toothbrushes, mouthwash, and dental wax are a few of the essentials that the child must have. Search for an age-appropriate mouthwash is necessary as well.

Choosing foods and drinks

The child must understand that there are specific foods that can harm the brackets and disrupt the treatment. Crunchy and sticky foods can dislodge the brackets or wires. Stock the pantry with soft foods. These foods are easy to chew and will not harm the braces for kids. Yogurt, pasta, and ice cream are a few of these soft foods.

It can be difficult to introduce the new diet to the child. Changing the grocery list can help with the transition. Bringing the child to the grocery store can help with the selection process. Here are some of the foods that should not be part of the grocery list:

  • Sugary soda
  • Chewy caramels
  • Juice
  • Gum
  • Hard candy
  • Ice
  • Sticky candy
  • Whole apples
  • Popcorn
  • Corn-on-the-cob

Reasons for getting braces for kids

Contrary to what many people believe, braces are not only for misaligned teeth. These dental appliances are also for correcting many dental issues. Finger-sucking and mouth-breathing are a couple of them. The dentist will determine if the young patient is a good candidate for this treatment.

You can get ahead of your child’s orthodontic care by getting braces for kids

Having naturally straight teeth does not happen to everyone. The child must see the benefits of this treatment. It may be uncomfortable, but the results will be lasting and life-changing. Working with your dentist can help make your child’s orthodontic treatment easier and more comfortable.

Request an appointment here: or call Price Family Orthodontics at (972) 528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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