Pros and Cons of Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces Frisco, TX

People who need braces may feel self-conscious about their appearance during the treatment. This situation can be true for patients of all ages, both kids and adults. Fortunately, multiple options are available to individuals for whom appearance is important. Ceramic braces represent an alternative to the traditional metal variety but are not inherently superior. Rather, ceramic brackets have some advantages over traditional metal ones but also some disadvantages.

You should note that only the brackets — the components that attach directly to the teeth — consist of ceramic materials. The elastic bands used in orthodontic treatment are synthetic latex-like material. However, the archwires continue to be metal. 

Advantages of ceramic braces

Ceramic braces make orthodontics more appealing to patients for many reasons. From color choices and visibility to treatment times and having comfortable wear, it is easy to see why patients jump at this version of braces.

Color choices

Many patients opt for ceramic brackets that are transparent or tooth-colored since they blend in with surrounding teeth. However, there are many more color options available. The patient can choose according to preference. Furthermore, color choices are available for more than just the brackets. Other components, including archwires and elastics, also come in various colors.  


It is worth noting that ceramic brackets are not invisible but are more appealing than metal braces. For example, people looking at a patient's mouth at a close distance are likely to see them. However, ceramics may be much less noticeable than metal, especially from a glance or distance.

Treatment time

Compared to clear aligners fitted to the teeth, e.g., Invisalign®, patients can complete treatment time with ceramic braces more quickly. In other words, patients may only need to wear their braces for months instead of multiple years. Of course, this depends on the severity of the patient's case and if damage occurs to the brackets during treatment.

Comfort Potential

Some patients report more comfort with ceramic brackets compared to metal. This increased comfort occurs because the former tends to have less abrasive surfaces that can scrape or poke at the inside of the mouth. Again, however, this is a matter of opinion. Some persons describe as much, or more, discomfort from ceramics as with metal brackets.

The disadvantages of ceramic braces

While the advantages of ceramic braces are undeniable, the brackets have some drawbacks compared to the traditional and clear aligners options. A few factors patients should consider in their treatment option decision include A few factors patients should consider in their treatment option decision include:

  • Pricing
  • The vulnerability of the brackets
  • General upkeep
  • The limitations they will need to follow during treatment

Pricing Potential

The price of ceramic braces varies per each set of teeth. Patients need to check with their insurance provider to review possible coverage before the consultation appointment. During this appointment, we can help the patient determine if ceramic braces are the most effective treamtnet for their needs, and review pricing options.


Since ceramic brackets are more brittle than metal braces, they are considered less durable than their metal counterparts. In addition, ceramic brackets are more susceptible to a break or chip; therefore, if the patient experiences an orthodontic emergency (like a loose bracket or wire), they may need to replace their braces altogether. That said, it is crucial for patients to stay vigilant in their suggested precautions.

General Upkeep

It is important to closely follow the orthodontist's instructions for caring for ceramic brackets. Otherwise, staining from food may occur. Ceramic brackets are more susceptible to staining because they are porous and can absorb bacteria if not cleaned properly. Therefore, we recommend avoiding dark-colored-based foods and beverages such as tomatoes, berries, soda, and candy. Also, it is good practice to rise with an anti-bacterial mouthwash after every meal, floss, and avoid teeth-whitening toothpaste. 


With ceramic braces, patients cannot enjoy certain foods or habits (e.g., chewing on pencils or smoking). Not every orthodontic treatment is appropriate for every situation. Ceramics can be used to address most types of issues. However, more complicated or advanced cases may require traditional braces. Due to a relative lack of durability, ceramics may not be up to the task.

In Summary

Overall, ceramic braces are a great option for anyone who wants to align their teeth and wants their smiles to have a less aggressive aesthetic during treatment. Adults and adolescents may be more likely to benefit from ceramic brackets than younger children. The ideal candidate has mostly stopped growing and whose permanent teeth have all come in. An orthodontist can inform a patient about the benefits, drawbacks, and requirements for ceramics in more detail and advise whether or not the patient is indeed a good candidate for orthodontic treatment with ceramic braces. 

Are you considering braces in the Frisco area? Get more information at or by scheduling an appointment at the Price Family Orthodontics office at (972) 528-5519.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Orthodontics in Frisco, TX.

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