When Is Invisalign Recommended Over Traditional Braces?

Invisalign Frisco, TX

Invisalign® has a huge following because of its emphasis on self-care. Each patient has different orthodontic issues and preferences. Severe dental misalignment will need traditional braces. Here are the instances when a dentist recommends Invisalign over metal brackets and wires.

When the patient wants to avoid oral injuries

Traditional braces have metal brackets that tend to scrape the soft tissues of the mouth. Some wires can pierce the inner lining of the cheeks. That is why most patients prefer Invisalign. These clear aligners feel like mouthguards in the mouth. The trays do not have sharp points or edges. That is why patients feel more comfortable.

The patient should expect some pressure from wearing the new aligners during the first three or four days. This will happen whenever the patient changes aligners. There is pressure because the targeted teeth are starting to align. There could be discomfort for a short while, but it will be worth it.

When the patient does not want diet restrictions

People who have traditional braces cannot eat hard or chewy foods. These food items can dislodge or break the brackets. Biting may also result in the same thing. So, most dentists advise patients to cut food into pieces first.

Invisalign does not prohibit any food items. These clear aligners are removable. This allows the patient to eat or even bite into regular foods. Even so, it is still necessary to practice oral hygiene after eating before putting the aligners back on.

When there is a need for easier dental cleaning

Brackets, wires, and elastics can get in the way of cleaning teeth well. There are small brushes that can help, but the satisfaction of brushing and flossing is not there. It is often time-consuming to clean teeth while having braces. This treatment can then result in poor oral hygiene.

Invisalign aligners are easy to clean. The patient can remove them and perform daily dental care without problems. Brushing and flossing are easier. The extra effort comes in cleaning the aligners before wearing them again.

When the patient wants to avoid embarrassment and awkwardness

Traditional braces often cause awkwardness and embarrassment whenever speaking, smiling, or eating is involved. This can affect one’s self-esteem and ability to interact with others. Research shows that many patients experience teasing or bullying because of braces. That is why Invisalign is a better choice. The clear aligners are undetectable to the untrained eye. This allows the individual to smile and interact with freedom.

When there is a need for convenience

Getting traditional braces will need monthly trips to the dentist for adjustments. This is inconvenient for busy patients. If the patient qualifies for Invisalign, the patient will take control of the treatment by changing the aligners on time. The role of the dentist is to perform professional dental cleanings and check the treatment’s progress.

When discoloration is an issue

Studies reveal that some patients develop slight discoloration in the areas where the brackets are attached to. This happens to patients who consume high quantities of staining or sweet food and drinks. Clear aligners rest over the teeth and do not cling to them during the treatment period. That is why Invisalign does not leave teeth with stains.

When patients want to maintain good oral health

Keeping teeth and gums healthy while wearing braces can be difficult to do. The metal brackets and wires get in the way of thorough brushing and even flossing. Food particles and plaque will then stick to teeth for longer periods. This can result in poor oral hygiene, which can result in cavities and infections.

Invisalign aligners are removable. This makes dental cleaning more thorough. Reducing dental plaque and food particles is a breeze as well. The patient can then maintain good oral health while going through dental straightening. The dentist can even share more pointers on how to clean teeth and gums during the Invisalign treatment period.

When there is a need to maintain a bright smile

Braces can also come with the use of ceramic brackets and tooth-colored archwires. This type of dental straightening system is easy to stain. It also makes teeth cleaning difficult. This can then turn a white smile into a yellow one. Removable Invisalign aligners allow the patient to clean well right after eating anything. This decreases one’s risk of staining teeth.

Invisalign may be what you need for a straight smile

It can be easier and less stressful to get Invisalign instead of traditional braces. This dental straightening system can be life-changing. It can prevent the issues that a patient may suffer from wearing traditional braces. Working with an Invisalign dentist can help you achieve a straighter, whiter, and healthier smile.

Request an appointment here: http://www.pricefamilyortho.com or call Price Family Orthodontics at (972) 528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Frisco, TX.

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