Braces for Teens

Braces for TeensFrisco, TX

If your teen needs braces, they are not alone. If they are nervous about how they will look in them, they are also not alone. But, when it comes to braces for teens, our team can show them how the benefits far outweigh any perceived drawbacks. We will help your teen achieve the straight set of teeth they desire through our braces treatment.

Price Family Orthodontics helps teens of all ages on their way to confident smiles. If it is time for your teen to get orthodontic treatment, we can help. To learn more about braces for teens or to schedule an appointment, call 972-528-5519 today.

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Why Teen Braces

An estimated three million teens in the USA and Canada wear braces for a variety of reasons. Some of the more common include to:

  • Align overlapping and overcrowded teeth
  • Eliminate excessive spacing between teeth
  • Fix a misaligned bite
  • Straighten crooked teeth

These issues are easier to treat during the teen years since most adult teeth are in even though the jaw is still growing. Thanks to the jaw not being fully developed, it is easier to straighten the teeth to correct any malocclusion or alignment issues. Also, braces can help remedy speech problems, teeth clenching, and grinding.

Benefits of Getting Braces as a Teen

Even after going over the benefits of braces, some teens may need more convincing. Our team can review all factors and benefits with the patient during a consultation.One important thing for parents to remind teens is that they are at an age when braces are common. They should reassure teens that they will feel more comfortable in braces once they realize how many of their friends have them. Braces, even traditional metal ones, come in many shapes and sizes. With advances in technology, braces are faster and more discreet than before.

Parents should remind their teens that a year or two in braces is a small price to pay for the benefits a straight smile offers. The most obvious benefit is the confidence patients feel in showing off a perfect smile. In addition, straight teeth and a properly aligned bite make it easier to chew, speak, and clean your teeth. The benefits do not end there. Orthodontic treatment can prevent and relieve jaw and facial pain as well as support overall oral health. Remember, oral health impacts the entire body’s health, adding more benefits to wearing braces.

Alternatives to Braces

Many teens prefer clear aligners such as Invisalign®. Clear aligners are flexible and discrete with no metal at all. They just fit right over the top and bottom teeth. Teens can take them out for high-contact sports, important social occasions, eating, and cleaning. These benefits make them an attractive option.

However, removing clear aligners can make them easier for younger patients to misplace or lose. Also, if not worn the prescribed 22 hours per day, they are less effective and will take longer to straighten the teeth. Lastly, they are not an option for fixing all malocclusions and are not right for every teen.

The Process for Getting Braces

The treatment starts with the initial consultation. Our team will conduct a thorough examination, including impressions with the iTero® Digital Impression System. The iTero saves teens the discomfort associated with getting a traditional impression. We will discuss the patient’s goals and expectations and any medications they are taking or conditions that may affect treatment outcomes. It is important to ask many questions during this appointment as well as discuss the patient’s priorities and lifestyle. The orthodontist will use this information in constructing a treatment plan that is the best fit for the patient.

Teens should expect the appointment during which the braces are placed to take about one to two hours. If necessary, the orthodontist will put spacers between the teen’s back teeth about a week before to create room for the metal bands that go around the back molars. Patients can eat before the appointment but should brush and floss thoroughly before coming in.

The process is fairly simple. The orthodontist uses a small amount of glue to attach a bracket to the center of each tooth. After using a special light to set the glue, the orthodontist slides the bands around the back molars. The last step is to set the archwires in place, typically with a small rubber band around each bracket.

How Teens Can Care for Their Braces

Teens can expect to be wearing braces from one to three years. Oral hygiene is important during this time, as well as regular orthodontic checkups every four to eight weeks. Brushing after eating is crucial, along with flossing every day. Patients should avoid hard and sticky foods, including nuts.

The orthodontist will offer guidelines on how to adjust one’s eating habits to make the braces safe. Teens involved in high contact sports will want to get a mouthguard crafted especially for teeth with braces.

Schedule a Visit Today

Price Family Orthodontics looks forward to helping your teen smile more confidently. Our team will answer all your questions and select the treatment that best fits your teen. Call our office at 972-528-5519 to learn more or schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces for Teens

What is the best age for braces?

Typically, orthodontists recommend treatment begin between the age of 7 to 14. This is the time in a person’s life when the adult teeth are in, but the jaw is still growing, so it is more responsive to repositioning. However, the age at which braces are recommended depends on each teen’s unique situation.

Are braces painful for teens?

There is not much pain reported with braces. Any pain is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medications. Most discomfort occurs after the first appointment and when the braces are adjusted.

How should a teen clean around braces?

Cleaning around braces can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several tools that make cleaning around braces easier. Your orthodontist may recommend floss threaders or interdental brushes. A water flosser is also a good tool for cleaning those hard-to-reach places.

What if my teen’s braces break?

If a repair is needed, such as re-gluing a loose bracket, call our office right away. We will tell you how to deal with the situation while you are waiting for an appointment to get a more permanent fix. If a bracket is loose, you may temporarily hold it in place with orthodontic wax.

How long are orthodontic appointments for braces?

You will want to allow two hours for the appointment where the braces are placed. The checkup appointments about every four to eight weeks should be less than 20 minutes. The number of appointments and length vary by treatment plan.

Braces Specialist

Those who want the benefits of a straighter smile should seek the help of a braces specialist. Many dentists may offer braces but only an orthodontist has the additional training in straightening smiles. A braces specialist is experienced in fixing a wide variety of orthodontic issues and focuses on giving each patient the smile they have always wanted.

Price Family Orthodontics is dedicated to keeping people smiling and excited about showing off their teeth. If you are seeking orthodontic treatment, our braces specialist in Frisco can help. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment, call 972-528-5519 today.

A Braces Specialist Explained

A braces specialist completes two years of additional training in orthodontics beyond dental school. This schooling focuses on fixing jaw issues and teeth alignment, making them knowledgeable in applying braces to straighten teeth. A specialist often continues their training through additional courses and seminars to stay current on the latest developments in orthodontics.

A braces specialist or orthodontist is skilled in treating a wide range of maxillofacial issues. An orthodontist uses their training to treat the following:

  • Bite issue such as over or underbites
  • Jaw pain including TMJ pain
  • Speech problems caused by oral health habits
  • Overcrowding of teeth or spacing issues

These are just a few of the issues braces treat. An orthodontist can apply their skills to improve more than just the cosmetic issues caused by misaligned teeth but also the oral health issues they cause as well.

Benefits of Seeing a Braces Specialist

Most people are familiar with the cosmetic benefits of braces. Straighter teeth lead to more confident smiling. The alignment of your jaw can even affect the shape of your profile. Many patients are thrilled with how treatment with braces improves their facial profile.

Though an improved appearance is a huge plus, braces have more to offer. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, and teeth that are easier to clean lead to a reduced risk for gum disease which supports better overall health for the whole body. This is a benefit everyone can gain from wearing braces. Others gain improvements in how they chew and speak. If a misaligned bite is causing jaw pain or headaches, patients can find relief through seeing a braces specialist.

The Process of Getting Braces

Treatment begins with the initial consultation where patients share their medical history with the braces specialist and present any questions they have about the process. A model of the patient's teeth is made using the iTero® Digital Impression System, meaning there is none of that gooey putty material in the mouth that so many dread when having impressions taken. The braces specialist will explain what to expect from treatment at this appointment.

The appointment during which the braces are placed is usually one to two hours. A week before this appointment, the braces specialist may insert spacers between the patient's molars to make room for the metal bands the archwire is anchored to. The orthodontist will glue a bracket to the center of each tooth and slide the metal bands around the back molars. Then, the practitioner will attach the archwire, typically with a small rubber band on each bracket. This process may vary depending on the type of braces the patient chooses.

How to Care for Your Teeth with Braces

Patients can expect to wear full braces from one to three years. During this time, the patient will need to make a few lifestyle adjustments. They will need to avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that can get stuck to or damage braces. Most of those who wear braces only need minor changes to their daily routine.

Oral hygiene becomes more crucial with braces due to the food particles and plaque that can build up around the braces. Patients will need to brush every time they eat, floss daily, and use a fluoride mouthwash. While flossing can prove challenging, floss threaders, interdental brushes, or a water flosser can make cleaning between teeth easier.

Aftermath of wearing braces

One of the most important parts of life after braces is wearing a retainer. Teeth typically try to return to their original positions and a retainer gives them time to set into their new positions. The amount of time one needs to wear a retain varies widely but patients can typically expect to be wearing one at all times for about six months. Retainers come in three styles:

  • Fixed or Bonded Retainers: As the title suggests, they are fixed or bonded in place and cannot be removed. They are commonly used on the backside of the bottom teeth.
  • Hawley Retainers: These removable retainers made of acrylic and metal wire are typically used for the top teeth. The acrylic is shaped to fit the roof of the mouth and the wire runs along the outside of the upper front teeth.
  • Clear Plastic Retainers: These removable retainers are molded to fit the teeth in their new position. The are made of very thin plastic and look very similar to clear aligners, which fit over the top and bottom teeth.

After six months, the orthodontist often recommends the retainer be worn only at night for a year or two. There are situations in which practitioners will recommend wearing retainers in some capacity for longer. Patients should consult with the braces specialist about what best fits their situation.

Schedule a Visit Today

Price Family Orthodontics wants you to love showing off your smile. If you are considering seeing a braces specialist, we are happy to answer your questions. Call our office at 972-528-5519 to learn more or schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces Specialist

How many checkups happen during treatment?

You can expect to have a checkup every four to eight weeks while wearing braces. The total number of appointments depends on the length of treatment. These appointments are much shorter than the initial one and tend to be 20 minutes or less.

Are braces painful?

Any discomfort reported with braces is usually minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter medications. The metal wires or brackets can sometimes irritate the inside of the cheeks. If this happens, patients can use dental wax on the brackets or wires and contact their orthodontist for further advice.

Is the glue used to attach braces to the teeth toxic?

The glue may have an unpleasant taste, but it is not toxic. Our team makes every effort to ensure the patient is comfortable during this process. After the glue is applied, the orthodontist shines a special light on the glue to set it before the placing the bracket.

What is the iTero® Digital Impression System?

This is an impression system that replaces the traditional impression-making method involving putty. The orthodontist uses a small wand to scan the inside of the mouth with a radiation-free laser. The process typically takes 3 minutes and results in a 3D digital model of the mouth.

What types of brackets will the orthodontist use?

There are many types of brackets. Typically, a patient can choose between metal or ceramic brackets that will be attached to the archwire with small rubber bands that are usually changed at each checkup. The ceramic brackets are closer to the color of teeth and less noticeable. Another choice is a Damon™ bracket. These brackets are smaller and do not require rubber bands to attach to the archwire.

Check out what others are saying about our orthodontic services on Yelp: Braces for Teens in Frisco