5 Questions To Ask Your Orthodontist Before Starting Invisalign©

Invisalign Frisco, TX

Considering Invisalign©? Read on to learn more about this teeth-straightening treatment option. If you are thinking about getting Invisalign, there are certain questions to ask your orthodontist beforehand.

5 Questions to ask your orthodontist before starting Invisalign©

In order to make an educated choice about Invisalign, it is crucial that patients ask the correct questions of their orthodontist. The following are five important questions a patient should ask their orthodontist before beginning Invisalign treatment:

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

Patients should check with their dentist or orthodontist to see whether Invisalign is a good fit for them before beginning treatment. While many people prefer Invisalign over metal braces, it is not the best option for everyone. For instance, Invisalign may not be able to fix serious tooth issues without resorting to more conventional orthodontic procedures.

To establish whether Invisalign is appropriate, the orthodontist will do a dental examination and ask about the patient’s desired outcomes. They may also suggest other methods of treatment that may accomplish the same goals.

The aligners used in Invisalign treatment are thin, transparent shells that are worn over the teeth. Clear aligners, in contrast to metal or conventional braces, are custom-made to fit the patient's teeth. As patients wear the aligners, pressure is applied to the teeth.

The teeth may shift gradually over time. Every two weeks or so, wearers will switch out their aligners for a new set to ensure that the teeth continue to move toward their final positions. This is also why Invisalign aligners need to be replaced so often.

How long does the treatment take?

It is advisable to have a realistic outlook on how long it will take to see results from your Invisalign treatment, since the orthodontist’s estimates may vary widely.

The severity of one’s dental misalignment will determine how long the Invisalign treatment will take. An orthodontist can give a rough idea of how long the treatment will take. Invisalign treatment usually takes between 12 and 18 months, although for more serious dental disorders, this time frame may be extended.

Realize that Invisalign treatment requires discipline, and plan accordingly. The number of aligners patients will need to wear and how often to replace them may also be topics to discuss with the orthodontist.

How much does the treatment cost?

Patients have the right to know how much it will cost to straighten their teeth and improve their smiles. The price of Invisalign should not be difficult to ascertain.

The total cost of the Invisalign treatment will vary based on a number of factors, including the severity of the dental abnormalities and the total time required to correct them. The orthodontist will give a quote for the whole course of treatment. Different dental practitioners will handle Invisalign packages in different ways, so it is important to ask what is included in each quotation to make an informed decision about which orthodontist to work with depending on one’s priorities.

Dental insurance may not cover Invisalign, in which case patients will have to pay for treatment out of pocket. Some orthodontists may, however, provide payment plans or financing to assist patients with the expense of treatment.

What is the maintenance requirement for Invisalign?

The success of the Invisalign treatment depends on one’s diligence in caring for the aligners. Patients will get comprehensive care instructions from the orthodontist. To avoid the growth of bacteria and the accumulation of food particles, it is advisable to brush and rinse the aligners every day.

Aligners are easily stained by food particles and beverages like coffee and tea, so wearers should avoid eating and drinking anything other than water while wearing them. It is crucial to use the aligners as prescribed and prevent loss or damage to avoid setting back the treatment timeline.

What occurs after Invisalign treatment?

The orthodontist will provide retainers to use once the Invisalign treatment is complete. With retainers, teeth are less likely to revert to their previous positions. The orthodontist will offer advice on the best retainer for specific situations and how often to wear it. To maintain the effectiveness of the orthodontic treatment and to preserve the newly aligned teeth, it is essential to adhere to the post-treatment guidelines advised by the orthodontist.

The bottom line

Invisalign is a great alternative to conventional metal braces for those who want to enhance their smile. Nonetheless, you should be sure it is the best choice for you by asking the correct questions of your orthodontist. Asking these questions will help you make a well-informed choice and get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.

Request an appointment here: http://www.pricefamilyortho.com or call Price Family Orthodontics at (972) 528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign in Frisco, TX.

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